Coronavirus Cover
At Holiday Extras, we're here to ensure you have all the inforamtion needed when booking your travel insurance. That's why we've compiled a collection of frequently asked questions around COVID-19, how it can affect your policy, and how to make a claim. If you're looking to make a claim on on an existing travel insurance policy, please visit our claims page where you will find all relevant claim information and claims forms.
If you have an further enquiries or concerns regarding travel as a whole, the Holiday Extras' Hassle-free Holiday Hub, is your one-stop shop for all-things travel related.
The following are some of our frequently asked questions relating to COVID-19 cover:
If you need to amend or cancel your policy
I want to cancel or change my policy – what do I do?
To amend or cancel Your Policy please visit: or contact Your travel agent that You purchased the Policy from. If You are travelling within the next 14 days, please call Us on 0800 781 4086.
I want to reschedule or postpone my trip. What do I do?
If you have been given alternative dates to travel by your airline and/or accommodation provider, please contact our customer service team who will be able to assist you by updating your policy. Please note, any change in your policy may result in a change of premium.
Am I covered for cancellation if a relative who is not travelling with me is diagnosed with COVID-19?
No, there is no cover for you cancelling your trip if a relative is diagnosed with COVID-19 and you chose not to travel.
Am I covered for cancellation if a friend or relative I had planned to stay with is diagnosed with COVID-19?
Yes, provided the friend or relatives' diagnosis is confirmed by a medically approved test and validated by a Medical Practitioner then the policy provides cover for this scenario.
What if I fail a temperature check when boarding my outbound flight, will I be covered for cancellation?
Yes, provided you take a medically approved COVID-19 test certified by a Medical Practitioner which shows a positive diagnosis then you will be covered for cancellation.
If COVID-19 has been diagnosed
Am I covered to return to the UK if a close relative in the UK is diagnosed with or dies as a result of COVID-19?
Yes, if your relative or member of your household dies following a medically approved test showing a positive result for COVID-19 or is hospitalised for treatment requiring mechanical ventilation, you will be covered for cutting your trip short and returning to the UK.
If i'm diagnosed with COVID-19, will a screenshot from the NHS app be sufficient proof for a claim?
Yes, provided this is a PCR test undertaken by an approved NHS site and processed through an approved NHS laboratory then this meets the criteria of being certified by a Medical Practitioner.
What if I test positive for COVID-19 prior to my return home and don't need medical attention, will I be covered for my costs to stay longer and for my rearranged flights?
Yes, depending on your circumstances you may be able to claim for reasonable additional travel and accommodation costs till you are able to return home. Please contact the Emergency Assistance team as soon as possible if required.
The country I am going to will not allow me to enter – what should I do?
There is no cover under your policy if you are not allowed entry to a country which has:
- Closed its borders
- Placed restrictions on entry to its country to nationals from certain countries
- Placed restrictions to nationals who have travelled to countries affected by an outbreak of Coronavirus
If you are refused entry at passport/border control, you should contact your airline or transport provider to arrange changing your return ticket to allow you to come home early.
Is there cover for curtailment if there is a change to the status of my destination on the Traffic Light system?
There is no cover for any curtailment costs if the UK Government changes the 'traffic light' status of your destination. As of February 2022, the traffic light system has been repealed, however this may change quickly depending on the UK government's response to the pandemic. Please continue to monitor the UK Government website for further updates, or your local government website if you live in Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland as the rules may differ.
If a member of my travelling party contracts COVID-19 while I'm on my trip, am I covered to stay with them past my return as planned date?
If the person that tests positive is under the age of 18 or if medically necessary our assistance team may allow you to stay past your pre-booked return date. Please contact our assistance team as soon as possible to ensure they are able to support you with your claim.
I have been asked to self-isolate in my accommodation while on my trip – what am I covered for?
If you have tested positive while on your trip and have been asked to self-isolate, you will be covered for any emergency medical expenses in treating your illness. Terms, conditions and exclusions apply - please check the policy wording for full details. If you have not tested positive and have been asked to self-isolate as you have been a close contact of someone who has tested positive, there would be no cover under the insurance policy.
Can I claim costs for loss of earnings or the cost for the quarantine hotel?
There is no cover under our insurance policies for costs to quarantine in the UK or your destination country or any other consequential costs such as loss of earnings. As of February 2022, the traffic light system which dictated quarantine requirements when returning to the UK has been repealed, however this may change quickly depending on the UK Governments response to the pandemic. Please continue to monitor the UK Government website for further updates. Please check the local government requirements where you reside as the advice differs depending on what country you reside in. It is also important to check the government website of the country you are travelling to, to ensure you are up to date on their latest requirements.
My children are not vaccinated – am I still covered?
If your children or anyone else on the policy have chosen not to have the recommended vaccination(s) you will not be covered for any COVID-19 related claims under this policy. The UK Government has recommended that all eligible persons have a booster vaccination. If you have not had the booster vaccine you may not be covered under our policy. Discretion may be applied if you are medically exempt to have the recommended vaccination(s) and this is shown on your medical records.
Am I covered if I do not have the COVID-19 vaccination?
If you or any other traveller on this policy contract COVID-19 and have chosen not to have the recommended vaccination(s) you will not be covered for any COVID-19 related claims under this policy. The UK Government has recommended that all eligible persons have a booster vaccination. If you have not had the booster vaccine you may not be covered under our policy. Discretion may be applied if you are medically exempt to have the recommended vaccination(s) and this is shown on your medical records.
My destination will not allow me to enter if my vaccines are not considered up to date – what do I do?
Please check what the entry requirements are for your destination. If you do not meet the vaccination requirements set by your destination, there is no cover under the insurance policy for your accommodation / travel costs.
My trip has been cancelled by my travel provider. What should I do?
In the first instance, you should contact your airline, tour operator, accommodation provider, or other carriers to enquire about refunds, or about changing travel dates.
What if I fail a temperature check when boarding my return flight, will I be covered for costs to isolate till I can return home?
Yes, provided you take a medically approved COVID-19 test certified by a Medical Practitioner which shows a positive diagnosis you will be covered for Emergency Medical and Repatriation expenses should they be required including reasonable additional travel and accommodation expenses. Please contact the Emergency Assistance team as soon as possible if required.
Can I claim back the cost of taking a PCR test?
There is no cover for the cost of obtaining evidence to support your claim.
A payment for my holiday is due this week. Should I pay?
You should contact your Tour Operator or Travel agent to check that any additional payment is fully refundable should the trip be cancelled for any reason by the operator (for example the balance of the holiday cost where you have only paid a deposit so far). It is very important that you do check and get clarity from the Airline or Tour Operator as if your trip is cancelled you should expect a full refund of the whole cost of the trip once you have paid the full amount. It may sound counter-intuitive to pay out more money to guarantee either a holiday or your money back, but that is the way some operators' policies work. Deciding not to pay the balance and not getting clarity from your Airline or Tour Operator could mean that you lose the deposit or even if the trip is subsequently cancelled, you may not get the money back. Disinclination to travel is not covered under the travel insurance policy.
I don't want to take my trip - am I covered?
Your policy covers you if a number of things happen to stop you from travelling, which are listed in your policy wording. There is no cover for not wanting to go on holiday because of the fear or risk of contracting Coronavirus.You may be able to arrange alternative dates to travel by contacting your Travel Agent or Tour Operator, airline and/or accommodation provider. Once this is agreed please contact our customer services team who will update your policy. Please note, any change on your policy may result in a change of premium.
The airline has cancelled my flight - what should I do?
If you booked with a Travel Agent or Tour Operator, you should contact them first to see if you can make any changes to your trip, or if they are able to offer you a refund. You can make a claim under the Package Travel Regulations if any travel intermediary booked two or more parts of your holiday together and they are then unable to deliver the full package. If you booked your travel independently, you should still approach the travel provider (airline, accommodation provider etc) in the first instance to rebook or for a refund. If you have alternative dates to travel after contacting your Travel Agent or Tour Operator, airline and/or accommodation provider, please contact our customer service team who will update your policy. Please note, any change on your policy may result in a change of premium.
COVID-19 summary of Cover
We're pleased to let you know that our travel policies provide you with cover for claims arising as a consequence of COVID-19. you will find below a summary of this cover under the section headed "Cover Included as Standard".
Cover Included as Standard
Before you travel, we've included cover for cancellation due to you falling ill with COVID-19 and being unable to travel.
During your trip, all our policies include cover for any medical claim due to COVID-19 while travelling. We've also included cover for curtailment (if you need to come home early) due to the illness of a close relative due to COVID-19.
Please note that cover is not provided should you travel against Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office advice (FCDO).
To highlight what cover is provided for COVID-19 and make this as clear as possible for you, we've included this cover under a separate section of the policy; COVID-19.
The following summarises the cover provided:
A. Cancellation, in the event of:
1. you, your Relative, a member of your household or travelling companion or of a friend with whom you had arranged to stay has a diagnosis of COVID-19 within 14 days of your booked departure date, as certified by a Medical Practitioner following a medically approved test showing a positive result for COVID-19.
2. you being denied boarding on your pre-booked outbound travel due to you contracting COVID-19, as certified by a Medical Practitioner following a medically approved test showing a positive result for COVID-19 or having a confirmed temperature above 38 degrees Celsius.
Cover is provided for:
1. The Cost of:
a. your unused non-refundable pre-booked travel and accommodation which you have paid or are contracted to pay; and
b. your unused non-refundable pre-booked airport parking, car hire, airport lounge pass and excursions which you have paid or are contracted to pay; and
c. your unused non-refundable visa, ESTA (Electronic System for Travel Authorisation for travellers to the USA) or other relevant travel permission which you have paid.
B. Curtailment, in the event of:
1. Death of your Relative or a member of your household living in the United Kingdom contracting COVID-19 as a result of COVID-19, as certified by a Medical Practitioner following a medically approved test showing a positive result for COVID-19 or having a confirmed temperature above 38 degrees Celsius.
2. The hospitalisation as a result of COVID-19 for treatment with mechanical ventilation, of your relative or a member of your household living in the United Kingdom.
In addition, where you are unable to continue with a pre-booked excursion following your self isolation as ordered by a relevant Government authority due to contracting COVID-19, as certified by a Medical Practitioner following a medically approved test showing a positive result for COVID-19.
Cover is provided for:
1. your reasonable additional travel and accommodation expenses which you incur in the Curtailment of your Insured Journey; and:
2. A pro-rata amount corresponding to the cost of the unused proportion of:
a. your non-refundable pre-booked travel and accommodation expenses which you have paid or are contracted to pay; and
b. your non-refundable pre-booked airport parking, car hire, airport lounge pass and excursions which you have paid or are contracted to pay; and
c. your non-refundable visa, ESTA (Electronic System for Travel Authorisation for travellers to the USA) or other relevant travel permission which you have paid.
C. Emergency Medical and Repatriation Expenses, in the event of an unforeseen medical emergency during an Insured Journey outside the United Kingdom as a result of you contracting COVID-19, as certified by a Medical Practitioner following a medically approved test showing a positive result for COVID-19.
Cover is provided for:
1. Emergency medical and repatriation expenses:
a. Reasonable and necessary medical and hospital expenses, including the cost of ambulance transport where medically necessary to take you to hospital; and
b. Returning you to the United Kingdom provided this is medically safe and authorised by us or our Assistance Company; and
c. The cost of a medical escort where this is deemed necessary by us or our Assistance Company, in the event of your emergency repatriation to the United Kingdom; and
2. Reasonable additional travel and accommodation expenses (room only) for you to extend your stay until you are medically fit to return to the United Kingdom; and
3. Reasonable additional travelling and accommodation expenses to repatriate you to the United Kingdom when you are denied boarding on your pre-booked return travel due to you contracting COVID-19.
4. Confinement benefit: a benefit payment of £30 for each complete 24 hour period up to £300 where you are ordered into self-isolation in your holiday accommodation by a relevant Government authority, as a result of you contracting COVID-19.
Where can I get more information about travel and the coronavirus?
Holiday Extras Travel Insurance is sold and administered by Holiday Extras Cover Limited, registered office address: Ashford Road, Newingreen, Hythe, Kent CT21 4JF.
Holiday Extras Cover Limited is an insurance intermediary authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, registration number 828848. You can check this by visiting the Financial Services Register
Holiday Extras™ is a Trading Name of Holiday Extras Cover Limited. The insurance is underwritten by Great Lakes Insurance UK Limited. Great Lakes Insurance UK Limited is a company incorporated in England and Wales with company number 13436330 and whose registered office address is 10 Fenchurch Avenue, London, United Kingdom, EC3M 5BN.
Great Lakes Insurance UK Limited is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. Firm Reference Number 955859. You can check this by visiting the Financial Services Register