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Travel Insurance for Kenya

Kenya is one of Africa's top destinations for wildlife, and the landscapes are equally enthralling. Make sure that your trip runs without any hitches by organising your travel insurance policy with Holiday Extras. We provide medical cover for declared pre-existing conditions and emergency medical expenses - a necessity for a country as unique as Kenya - and if you run into difficulties our cancellation cover could prove invaluable.

Why choose Holiday Extras for your Kenya travel insurance?

Booking with Holiday Extras offers numerous benefits, like an exceptionally quick service and cover that you can rely on. Our worldwide policies are versatile too; we have three levels of cover to choose from, meaning you can tailor your policy to meet your specific requirements depending on the type of vacation you're planning to undertake.

Top tips for travel to Kenya

Medical - Forward-planning is important. Get a check-up with your GP to identify any pre-existing medical conditions and be sure to declare these to us. Also, ensure that you have all necessary vaccinations well in advance, as if you do not get the required immunisations our medical cover will not protect you.

Costs - Change your British pounds to Kenyan shillings in advance to get the best possible rate. Travel in Kenya can be cheap, but if you want to visit a national park, particularly on safari, be prepared to pay considerably more.

Visa - British citizens can obtain a three-month visa from the airport upon arrival.

Speak to the locals - Often, the best advice you can get on how to stay safe and which places to visit will come from the locals themselves. Kenyans are known for being a very warm and friendly people, and you'll find most people will be happy to help if you want to know which areas of town to avoid, or where is a good place to eat.

Is Kenya safe?

Kenya is a country that has attracted a lot of media attention over the years, often for the wrong reasons. Nowadays it can be said that while the country is not necessarily free of troubles, it is a relatively safe place for tourists. Visitors to Kenya are advised to stay away from the regions close to the Somalian border, as these are the areas most prone to terrorist activity.

Watch what you eat - While hotel buffets and the pricier restaurants in Mombasa and Nairobi will of course be safe to eat from, it's best to err on the side of caution when it comes to street food, particularly meat. In some instances, the quality and the way in which the meat is prepared can be questionable. In many street side Nyama Choma restaurants, you can take a look at the cut of meat before it's cooked, and have the meat cooked exactly to your liking.

Remember the Malaria pills - Needless to say malaria is a very real threat in Kenya, so taking your malaria pills daily is a must, as is insect repellent, both during the day and night. If you're on a safari, it's advised to wear loose-fitting, white clothing, and sleep under insect proof nets at night.

Safari tours

If you're planning an extended excursion through one of Kenya's famous national parks, then there are of course a fair few things you'll need to consider.

Accomodation - Safari accommodation will either be a campsite or a lodge. Lodges offer comfort and amenities such as air-conditioned rooms and buffet breakfasts, and are located a small distance away from the main safari areas. A campsite on the other hand, while not as comfortable as a lodge, gives the benefit of being right in amongst the action. Step out of your tent, and you're there on the safari. Campsites are a popular option for photography enthusiasts, as it's much easier to get those stunning shots of the evening and morning light. You'll need to weigh up the benefits of both types of accommodation against your needs and preferences.

Hiring a vehicle - You'll need to decide between a 4x4 land cruiser or a van. Your decision will largely depend on the kind of terrain you'll be traversing and prevailing weather conditions (which is dependant on the time of year you decide to visit). While 4x4 land cruisers are generally more expensive, you may need the extra power and traction if you're travelling during rainy periods, or your route crosses rivers.

Choosing your guide - Perhaps the decision that will have the most bearing on the quality or your trip will be your safari guide. Often, your driver will also double up as your naturalist, so choose carefully. Safari guides also have ratings, so pay attention to these before making a decision.

Popular attractions in Kenya

  • Explore the Masai Mara, Kenya's stunning wildlife reserve, where you can spot the big five African animals: lions, leopards, buffalos, elephants and rhinos.
  • Climb to the dizzying ice-capped peaks of Mount Kenya.
  • Mombasa's Old Town is a beautiful and historic labyrinth of vibrant streets - a real cultural melting pot - with the formidable Fort Jesus.
  • Take a dhow trip through the Lamu Archipelago. The traditional sailing vessels are inexpensive and provide a picturesque view of the islands.
  • The beaches around Watamu are inhabited by several species of rare marine turtle. You can even get involved in volunteering projects with the Turtle Watch Organisation.

Holiday Extras Travel Insurance is sold and administered by Holiday Extras Cover Limited, registered office address: Ashford Road, Newingreen, Hythe, Kent CT21 4JF.

Holiday Extras Cover Limited is an insurance intermediary authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, registration number 828848. You can check this by visiting the Financial Services Register

Holiday Extras™ is a Trading Name of Holiday Extras Cover Limited. The insurance is underwritten by Great Lakes Insurance UK Limited. Great Lakes Insurance UK Limited is a company incorporated in England and Wales with company number 13436330 and whose registered office address is 10 Fenchurch Avenue, London, United Kingdom, EC3M 5BN.

Great Lakes Insurance UK Limited is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. Firm Reference Number 955859. You can check this by visiting the Financial Services Register