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Travel insurance for medical conditions. Your health companion abroad

Our dedicated Insurance team are here to guide you through the world of travel insurance if you have a medical condition.

Got your passport? Check. Tickets? Check. But wait, there's something else you might be missing – and it's crucial, especially if you're travelling with medical conditions. It's travel insurance, and it can be as important as your boarding pass.

Travelling is all about discovering the unknown, but when it comes to health, surprises are the last thing you want. Whether you have an existing medical condition or just want the peace of mind knowing you're covered, here's why travel insurance for medical conditions should be on your travel checklist.

A serene image of the Luca Bravo

Travel insurance. Do I need it?

Let's get down to it. Travelling with medical conditions can sometimes feel like you're carrying an extra suitcase – one packed with worries and what-ifs. But that's where travel insurance for your pre-existing medical conditions steps in. Think of it as your invisible safety net, ready to catch you if things go sideways health-wise.

When buying your travel insurance we'll ask you a few simple questions to see if your insurance policy will be with medical conditions or not. These are discreet and completely confidential.

These questions will include:

    1. Is anyone travelling under this policy suffering from a medical condition for which they:

    • Should have sought medical advice?
    • Are under investigation?
    • Are awaiting investigation, a medical procedure or in-patient hospital treatment?
    • Are waiting for test results?
    • Have been given a terminal prognosis?
    • Know they will require medical treatment during an insured journey?
    • Intend to get medical treatment abroad?

    2. Has anyone travelling under this policy been treated for alcohol or drug addiction in the last five years?

    3. Is anyone travelling under this policy suffering from a psychiatric or psychological condition?

    4. Has anyone travelling under this policy ever suffered from:

    • A cardiovascular or heart-related condition,A lung or respiratory-related condition (not including stable, well-controlled asthma if there is no other medical condition)?
    • Any form of cancer whether in remission or not?
    • A cerebro-vascular condition such as a stroke or transient ischaemic attack (T.I.A.)?
    • a kidney (renal) condition or diabetes?

    5. In the 12 months before the purchase of this policy has anyone travelling under this policy suffered from a medical condition for which they:

    • are currently taking or being prescribed regular medication?
    • are receiving or have received treatment of any kind?
    • have required an organ transplant or dialysis?

    If you answer yes to any of the above questions, this will indicate that somebody on the policy has a medical condition that will need to be declared.

Travel insurance myths, debunked

Setting off on your trip should be all about excitement, not confusion. We're busting the myths around travel insurance to keep things simple and clear.

Myth 1: EHIC and GHIC cards replace travel insurance

The EHIC (European Health Insurance Card) and its successor, the GHIC (Global Health Insurance Card), provide access to state healthcare in the EU at a reduced cost. Even though the GHIC subsidises some of these medical expenses costs, it often doesn't cover them in full, which could still leave you exposed to incurring thousands of pounds worth of costs if they're not covered by travel insurance.

They also don't cover medical evacuation, or air ambulance repatriation, which often costs tens of thousands of pounds if not insured.

They're essential, but not a replacement for travel insurance.

Myth 2: You don't need to declare any past medical conditions or those that haven't caused recent issues.

Always declare any pre-existing conditions to ensure full coverage. This includes past and present medical conditions. You may not think declaring a medical condition like high blood pressure is important, but not disclosing any condition could invalidate your policy if you need to make a claim.

Myth 3: Insurance providers cover ALL medical conditions.

Although insurers tend to cover the majority of pre-existing medical conditions, there is no guarantee they cover all. This is where the medical screening process comes in. It's a series of simple questions during the quote process to ensure you're offered the right level of cover for your needs. Ensure you tell your provider about every medical condition during the medical screening process, and they will let you know if they are covered or not.

Myth 4: Medical screenings for travel insurance are intrusive and lengthy.

Many insurers offer quick, confidential assessments that can be completed online or over the phone, making it easier than ever to get covered. These will be treated with the utmost privacy and confidentiality.

Myth 5: You need separate travel insurance policies for each pre-existing condition.

A single policy can cover multiple conditions, provided you declare them all. There's no need for separate policies for each condition.

When to buy travel insurance

When it comes to your travel insurance, buying as soon as you book your holiday is often said to be the smart play. This way, you're covered against incidents leading up to your holiday (like cancellations or medical flare ups), as well as while you're on holiday.

Buy travel insurance for pre-existing medical conditions

Buy your travel insurance for pre-existing medical conditions with Holiday Extras, and get covered today.

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Choosing the right policy for you

We know insurance talk can sometimes seem like a daunting experience, especially with a pre-existing medical condition – but picking the right policy is key to ensuring you're covered for exactly what you need.

Think about where you're going – Consider climate, altitude and anything else that may affect your medical condition.

What will you be doing on your trip – Will there be any activities on your trip that may affect or be limited by your condition.

What is your current health status – Have you had any recent flare ups, or are you currently receiving any treatment?

Make sure you're completely honest in your health screening to make sure you get the best travel insurance for your unique needs. From there, picking a policy that fits you will be a breeze.

Embark with confidence

Remember, every great trip starts with great preparation. Safe travels, and let's make your next adventure unforgettable for all the right reasons.