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Surprising travel rules you might need to know before your next holiday

We've put together some of the more unusual rules that might surprise you on your travels

Zero mastication policy

You're absolutely not allowed to chew gum in Singapore under any circumstances. Apart from a few very specific circumstances. Since 1991, the sale of chewing gum in Singapore has been illegal. This is part of several larger government policies aimed at keeping the city clean and tidy – including laws against graffiti, spitting and *checks notes* expelling mucus from the nose. Lovely.

You are allowed to bring small amounts of chewing gum into the country though, but it's strictly for personal use, and if you get caught supplying it to others or disposing of it incorrectly you could get in big trouble.

Lee Kuan Yew, Singapore's founding Prime Minister, said when asked about this law in an interview with BBC News Magazine, 'if you can't think because you can't chew, try a banana.' Not quite the same though, is it?

Pack your flats

Since 2009 it's been forbidden to wear high heels in many of Greece's most significant ancient sites. These 'sharp-soled' shoes were causing damage to the monuments, which have already suffered thousands of years' worth of wear and tear.

Also it's probably not the most practical footwear to be rocking while exploring the 4,000-year-old Minoan city of Knossos in Crete. So if you were planning to practise your runway walk on the weathered slabs of the Acropolis, you may need to swap your Louboutins for some more practical Skechers.

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In need of some fashion inspo for your next trip? We've got the answers.

No kissing or heavy petting

We all know it's a big taboo to kiss in public in Dubai. Or hold hands or swear or be in a same-sex relationship. But did you also know that there's a very specific rule about kissing in France?

Way back in 1910 the Société Nationale des Chemins de Fer Français, who were in charge of the railways and faced with expensive delays and overcrowding, introduced the only logical solution – a ban on kissing. It's not quite clear why, but it may have something to do with loved-up couples holding up trains with their long, drawn-out goodbyes.

Think about that next time you're frenching your significant other in the city of love.

Eiffel Tower technicality

Eiffel Tower

Speaking of the city of love, we've got a bonus rule for France, but this one is specific to Paris and its most famous monument. You can take as many pictures of the Eiffel Tower as you like. During the day. But at night when the light show comes out you could technically be breaking the law if you take a picture of it. This is because the Eiffel Tower's light show is a work of art protected under European copyright law.

The good news is you don't have to worry as this only applies if you're taking pictures for professional or commercial use, so you're fine to take and share as many pictures as you want.

Paris Travel Guide

Find out everything you need to know about the French capital with our travel guide.

Nothing to see here

Camo print entered the runways in the 1980s and has been a fashion staple in many wardrobes ever since. Except in some parts of the Caribbean like Barbados and St Lucia, where it's illegal to wear camouflage clothing.

This is because camo is reserved exclusively for the armed forces and absolutely off limits to civilians. If you're caught wearing it, it could be seen as an attempt to personate law enforcement or the military and you could end up with a $2,000 fine and a year in prison! So make sure to take the camo budgie smugglers out of your suitcase before you go.

Don't wear yellow

In 2016 there was a huge protest in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia against the then prime minister Najib Razak, and the marchers were all clad in bright yellow shirts.

Since then it's an absolute no-no to wear yellow anywhere in the country. It's now seen as a symbol of protest and if you're caught wearing it you could be stuck with a fine of about £800!

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