You've charged me twice
Log in to your account to see a list of your existing bookings.
Check whether you have more than one booking
It's possible that you might have more than one booking for the same dates and times (sometimes caused by clicking twice instead of once).
If you do, tap on the booking you don't need and choose 'Cancel' from the list of options. You'll be asked to confirm that you want to cancel and to give a reason.
What happens if there isn't more than one booking?
Get in touch and we'll investigate the duplicate payment.
Free Cancellation booking within 7 days of booking
You'll be given a voucher which can then be cancelled for a full refund, but make sure you cancel the voucher within 14 days.
Free Cancellation booking outside 7 days of booking
You'll get the full amount back in the form of a voucher which can also be cancelled for a cash refund within 14 days. If you cancel the voucher, we'll refund it to you (less £10 which will be held as a non-refundable balance on your account for you to use the next time you book).
Saver bookings
Once you've cancelled the duplicate booking yourself, contact us so we can arrange your refund.
Can't cancel or amend bookings
Unfortunately, they can't be refunded online, but contact us and we'll arrange your refund.