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Change hotel, car park or lounge

To change the car park, hotel or lounge you've booked you'll need to cancel your booking and make a new one.

You'll need to visit your Trips and bookings page. There you'll see your bookings listed in 6 blue capital letters with a date attached.

Tap on the booking you want to cancel and choose 'Cancel booking' from the list.

Your options will depend on your type of booking:

Free cancellation bookings
Saver bookings
Using vouchers
Can't cancel or amend bookings

Free cancellation bookings

If you want to change within 7 days of booking, you'll receive a voucher which can be exchanged for a full refund within 14 days.

If you need to change after 7 days, you'll receive a voucher for the full amount. It can also be exchanged for a cash refund – less £10, within 14 days. The £10 will be saved on your account to be used on your next booking.

Saver bookings

Saver bookings can be cancelled for a voucher.

You must cancel by midnight on the day before your booking is due to start.

Using vouchers

Depending on your type of booking and when you booked, you'll be issued a Holiday Extras voucher which can be used on a future booking. Your voucher will stay in your account and you'll receive an email with all the details.

When you're logged in to your account, you'll be given the option to pay with a voucher when you reach checkout.

Can't cancel or amend bookings

Unfortunately any booking that says 'Can't cancel or amend' can't be changed or cancelled and it also means there can be no voucher or refund.