Theatre and Ticket Information
How do I get my theatre tickets?
Your tickets will be sent to you automatically. You can find them on the purple button in your booking confirmation email. Simply click on it, and a PDF containing all your vouchers will be automatically downloaded. You can either print off your ticket and take it with you or show it on your phone at the theatre.
Are the theatres and hotels accessible?
Our team of Theatre Experts are knowledgeable about accessibility at our hotels and theatres.
The theatres themselves have different accessibility levels depending on the show and date you choose. Get in touch with us, and we'll confirm the accessibility for your specific theatre break.
What exciting elements can I expect in the productions?
Some of the productions feature thrilling moments such as gunshots, flashing lights, pyrotechnics, theatrical smoke effects, and even on-stage depictions of smoking, adding to the authenticity of the experience. Occasionally, you might also encounter some colorful language. If you're curious about specific details for any show, please get in touch. We're here to provide you with all the information you need to enhance your enjoyment of our performances.
Where do Holiday Extras get theatre tickets from?
Our tickets are purchased through the London-based ticketing agent Encore Tickets. Encore helps us get the top tickets to the best shows and are fully registered and compliant with the Society of Ticket Agents & Retailers (STAR).