Best travel money card for Europe
From vibrant cities with beautiful architecture to spectacular archaeological ruins, Europe is rich in history and culture. The continent comprises 44 countries, each with their own charm and offering a unique holiday experience. One way to spend money securely abroad is with a pre-paid travel money card. It reduces the associated risks of carrying large amounts of cash and it helps you budget your travel money easily.
What currency can I use in Europe?
The most widely used currency in Europe is the euro, but most countries have their own currency that they use as well or instead.
Compare best travel money cards for Europe
There is an abundance of travel money card providers, each with their own perks and drawbacks. Depending on how you plan to spend travel money on your trip, you will want to compare their conversion fees, ATM fees and the number of currencies the card can hold.
Best pre-paid travel money card for Europe
It's difficult to give a clear-cut answer to this, but you might want to consider Caxton FX Currency Card, Travelex Money Card and TransferWise Mastercard. As well as offering euros these card providers give you the chance to carry other European currencies, for instance, Swedish krona, Swiss francs and Hungarian Forint, as well as other global currencies. None of these charge an ATM fee, but the TransferWise MasterCard has a minimum conversion fee of 0.35%.
Can I exchange British pounds in Europe?
You can exchange your travel money in Europe, just head to your nearest exchange bureau or bank, or get it when you land at the airport. However, ATMs tend to give you better rates and you're not constricted by opening hours. Always double check the best way to exchange your currency before you go, as it can vary from country to country.
Can I bring a traveller's cheque?
Traveller's cheques are accepted in some countries, but they are considered to be a rather outdated form of travel money. Also, if you do find a bank that will exchange them, the rates can be considerably poorer than using a travel money card or using your credit or debit card at an ATM. If you do plan on using the latter abroad, remember to inform your banks before you go. Otherwise you are at risk of your card being blocked.