Gwyneth Embarks On Spanish Tour
Hollywood actress Gwyneth Paltrow has begun filming a US television show that will take her all over Spain to sample the variety of foods that the country has to offer.
The star will travel all over the Iberian country with three companions - a New York Times food critic, a chef and another actress named Claudia Bassols, the BBC reports.
Speaking at a press launch in the Spanish capital Madrid, Paltrow said that she was looking forward to the trip, despite being slightly in the dark about its details.
"I don't know what we are going to do, but it is going to be fun," she said.
A statement released by the show's producers said that the programme will be "a showcase of Spain as it has never been seen before".
Cameras will follow the quartet as they visit the restaurants, cafes and attractions of Spain, a country best known for its rice and fish dishes.
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