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Distracting deals

It's easy to get distracted with Holiday Extras' great deals.


Distracting Deals

Worried about not having enough change for the car park? Fear not — when you pre-book with Holiday Extras, you can save your pennies for ice creams on your holiday.


Start your holiday as you mean to carry on. With a £15 room upgrade at one of our airport hotels, you can relax, beat the traffic in a leisurely manner... at a hugely reduced price!

Disctracting Hotel Deals

Car Hire

We search over 900 rental providers in 160 countries to bring you the cheapest car hire deals - with savings of up to 15%!

Car Hire Disctracting Deals

Travel Insurance

Holiday Extras offers affordable and flexible insurance policies that do not compromise on your cover for price. We have even been voted best insurance provider for over 10 years by the Globe Travel Awards.

The Holiday Extras app is the best and easiest way to get great deals on your airport parking, airport hotel, lounges, transfers and all your other holiday extras.

It takes just two minutes to upgrade your holiday, and once you're logged in there's convenient one-click buying. You can download our app from the Google Play Store and the Apple Store

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