As of 4am on 10th February vaccinated travellers are no longer required to take any tests on return to the UK. Unvaccinated travellers now only have to provide a pre-departure test and a test on or before day 2 of their return to the UK.
You still need to meet the entry requirements for the country you are planning to visit.
A quick note on testing...
We aim to keep this information up to date however we advise always checking the current entry requirements on before you travel.
If you're looking for a recommended supplier you can find and book these via our Covid Testing FAQ page
UK Spain
⚠️ Currently unvaccinated travellers are not permitted to enter unless there are exceptional reasons.
Children aged 12 and over must provide proof of full vaccination.
Spain UK
⚠️ Pre-departure test required
Test type: Lateral flow or antigen
⚠️ Day 2
Test type: PCR
Children 5 and over are required to provide the same tests as adults.
UK Spain
😊 No tests required
⚠️ Provide proof of vaccination
Children aged 12 and over must provide proof of full vaccination.
Spain UK
Children under 18 have same testing requirements as adults.
Visit our Spain travel hub
UK Portugal
⚠️ Negative Covid-19 test required
Test type (Mainland): Antigen within 48 hours of departure, PCR test within 72 hours of departure.
Test type (Islands): PCR test within 72 hours of departure.
⚠️ Complete a Passenger Locator Form
Children under 12 are exempt
Portugal UK
⚠️ Pre-departure test required
Test type: Lateral flow or antigen
⚠️ Day 2
Test type: PCR
Children 5 and over are required to provide the same tests as adults.
UK Portugal
⚠️ Provide proof of vaccination
Children under 12 are exempt
Portugal UK
Children under 18 have same testing requirements as adults.
Visit our Portugal travel hub
UK Greece
⚠️ Negative Covid-19 test required
Test type : Antigen within 24 hours of departure, PCR test within 72 hours of departure.
Children under 5 are exempt
Greece UK
⚠️ Pre-departure test required
Test type: Lateral flow or antigen
⚠️ Day 2
Test type: PCR
Children 5 and over are required to provide the same tests as adults.
UK Greece
⚠️ Provide proof of vaccination
Children under 5 are exempt
Greece UK
Children under 18 have same testing requirements as adults.
Visit our Greece travel hub
UK Turkey
⚠️ Negative Covid-19 test required
Test type : Antigen within 48 hours of departure, PCR test within 72 hours of departure.
Children under 12 are exempt
Turkey UK
⚠️ Pre-departure test required
Test type: Lateral flow or antigen
⚠️ Day 2
Test type: PCR
Children 5 and over are required to provide the same tests as adults.
UK Turkey
😊 No tests required
⚠️ Provide proof of vaccination
Children under 12 are exempt.
Turkey UK
Children under 18 have same testing requirements as adults.
Visit our Turkey travel guide
⚠️ Currently unvaccinated travellers are not permitted to enter unless there are exceptional reasons.
Children under 2 are exempt
⚠️ Pre-departure test required
Test type: Lateral flow or antigen
⚠️ Day 2
Test type: PCR
Children 5 and over are required to provide the same tests as adults.
⚠️ PCR or antigen test within 24 hours of departure
⚠️Passengers fully vaccinated with an FDA or WHO-approved vaccine do not have to quarantine but need to take a viral test within 3 to 5 days of arrival.
⚠️ Provide proof of vaccination
Children under 2 are exempt.
Children under 18 have same testing requirements as adults.
UK Italy
⚠️ Negative Covid-19 test required and on day 5 after entry
Test type: PCR or antigen
⚠️ 5 day self-isolation
Children under 6 are exempt
Italy UK
⚠️ Pre-departure test required
Test type: Lateral flow or antigen
⚠️ Day 2
Test type: PCR
Children 5 and over are required to provide the same tests as adults.
UK Italy
⚠️ Negative Covid-19 test required
Test type: antigen or PCR test within 48 hours of arrival
⚠️ Provide proof of vaccination
Children under 6 are exempt.
Italy UK
Children under 18 have same testing requirements as adults.
Visit our Italy travel hub
UK Poland
⚠️ Quarantine for 8-14 days on arrival
Children under 13 are exempt
Poland UK
⚠️ Pre-departure test required
Test type: Lateral flow or antigen
⚠️ Day 2
Test type: PCR
Children 5 and over are required to provide the same tests as adults.
UK Poland
⚠️ Negative Covid-19 test required
Test type: antigen or PCR test within 24 hours of arrival
⚠️ Provide proof of vaccination
Children under 5 are exempt.
Poland UK
Children under 18 have same testing requirements as adults.
UK Cyprus
⚠️ Pre-departure test required
Test type: PCR within 72 hours of arrival
⚠️ Additional PCR tests required on arrival - isolate (normally for 3 hours) until results come back
Visitors must then take daily tests for their next 5 days in Cyprus
Children under 12 are exempt
Cyprus UK
⚠️ Pre-departure test required
Test type: Lateral flow or antigen
⚠️ Day 2
Test type: PCR
Children 5 and over are required to provide the same tests as adults.
UK Cyprus
⚠️ PCR tests required on arrival - isolate (normally for 3 hours) until results come back
Visitors must then take daily tests for their next 5 days in Cyprus
⚠️ Provide proof of vaccination
Children under 12 are exempt.
Cyprus UK
Children under 18 have same testing requirements as adults.
Visit our Cyprus travel guide
UK Ireland
⚠️ Pre-departure test required
Test type: PCR within 72 hours of arrival
⚠️ Quarantine for 14 days
Children under 12 are exempt
Ireland UK
⚠️ Ireland is part of the Common Travel Area. So long as you haven't been outside the CTA in the ten days before you arrive in the UK, you don't need to take any tests, isolate, or complete any additional forms.
UK Ireland
⚠️ Pre-departure test required
Test type: PCR within 72 hours of arrival or Antigen withing 48 hours.
⚠️ Provide proof of vaccination
Children under 12 are exempt.
Ireland UK
⚠️ Ireland is part of the Common Travel Area. So long as you haven't been outside the CTA in the ten days before you arrive in the UK, you don't need to take any tests, isolate, or complete any additional forms.
UK France
⚠️ Only essential travel permitted - plus multiple tests and quarantine.
⚠️ Negative PCR (within 72 hours) or negative Antigen (within 24 hours).
Children under 12 are exempt
France UK
⚠️ Pre-departure test required
Test type: Lateral flow or antigen
⚠️ Day 2
Test type: PCR
Children 5 and over are required to provide the same tests as adults.
UK France
⚠️ Provide proof of vaccination
Children under 12 are exempt.
France UK
Children under 18 have same testing requirements as adults.
UK Dubai (does not apply to the rest of the UAE)
⚠️ Negative Covid-9 test required
Test type: PCR within 72 hours of arrival and random testing on arrival
Children under 12 are exempt
Dubai UK
⚠️ Pre-departure test required
Test type: Lateral flow or antigen
⚠️ Day 2
Test type: PCR
Children 5 and over are required to provide the same tests as adults.
UK Dubai (does not apply to the rest of the UAE)
⚠️ Negative Covid-9 test required
Test type: PCR within 72 hours of arrival and random testing on arrival
Children under 12 are exempt.
Dubai UK
Children under 18 have same testing requirements as adults.
Visit our Dubai travel guide
UK Netherlands
⚠️ Negative Covid-19 test required
Test type: PCR test within 48 hours of departure or antigen test within 24 hours of departure
⚠️ Self-isolate for 10 days
Children under 12 exempt
Children 13+ not vaccinated must quarantine
Netherlands UK
⚠️ Pre-departure test required
Test type: Lateral flow or antigen
⚠️ Day 2
Test type: PCR
Children 5 and over are required to provide the same tests as adults.
UK Netherlands
⚠️ Negative Covid-19 test required
Test type: PCR test within 48 hours of departure or antigen test within 24 hours of departure
⚠️ Provide proof of vaccination
Children under 12 exempt
Children 13+ not vaccinated must quarantine
Netherlands UK
⚠️ Lateral flow test
Children under 18 have same testing requirements as adults.
UK Germany
⚠️ Quarantine for 5-10 days on arrival ⚠️ Negative Covid-19 test required
Test on day 5 of quarantine for earlier release
⚠️ Complete a PCR test 48 hours before departure or antigen test 48 hours before arrival
Children under 5 are exempt from testing if they travel with at least one fully-vaccinated parent
Germany UK
⚠️ Pre-departure test required
Test type: Lateral flow or antigen
⚠️ Day 2
Test type: PCR
Children 5 and over are required to provide the same tests as adults.
UK Germany
⚠️ Submit proof of either vaccination or recovery
Children 5 are exempt from testing if travelling with at least one fully-vaccinated parent
Germany UK
Children under 18 have same testing requirements as adults.
Visit our Germany travel hub
UK Mexico
😊 No tests required
⚠️ Complete an online pre-departure registration form
😊 No tests required
Mexico UK
⚠️ Pre-departure test required
Test type: Lateral flow or antigen
⚠️ Day 2
Test type: PCR
Children 5 and over are required to provide the same tests as adults.
UK Mexico
😊 No tests required
⚠️ Complete an online pre-departure registration form
😊 No tests required
Mexico UK
Children under 18 have same testing requirements as adults.
UK Malta
⚠️ Non-vaccinated travellers are not currently permitted
😊 No tests required
Malta UK
⚠️ Pre-departure test required
Test type: Lateral flow or antigen
⚠️ Day 2
Test type: PCR
Children 5 and over are required to provide the same tests as adults.
UK Malta
😊 No tests required
⚠️ Provide proof of vaccination
⚠️ Complete a Health Declaration Form
Under 5 no restrictions; 5-11 enter with a vaccinated adult and PCR test; 12+ must be vaccinated
Malta UK
Children under 18 have same testing requirements as adults.
Visit our Malta travel guide