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Indonesian Earthquake Appeal

Indonesia Earthquake

Last month an earthquake hit Sulawesi in Indonesia, destroying homes and cutting off essential supplies to an estimated 1.6m people. An ongoing relief and rescue effort by the Red Cross is helping the people affected. Holiday Extras has donated £5k to the relief efforts, and we're encouraging our customers - especially anyone who has travelled to Indonesia - to consider doing the same please click here.

What happened?

In late September of this year, a 7.4 magnitude earthquake and tsunami hit Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. The following regions were affected: Donggala, Palu, Mamuju, Utara, Sigi and Parigi Moutong, resulting in severe damage to electricity, water supplies, communications, buildings and transport infrastructure. More than 1,000 houses in the town have been buried under rivers of soil in the days following the earthquake.

Can I still travel to Indonesia?

Flights to the popular Indonesian islands of Bali and Lombok have been unaffected and are operating as usual. Palu airport, on the island of Sulawesi, has re-opened but is currently prioritising aid and humanitarian services.

The Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) has advised against all but essential travel to the districts of Donggala, Mamuju Utara, Sigi and Parigi Moutong in Central Sulawesi.

Due to the continued risk of aftershocks they have issued the following advice: ‘If you’re in the area you should exercise caution, stay away from collapsed buildings, monitor the local news, liaise with your travel company/accommodation provider and seek advice and support from the local authorities on how to leave the area safely if you wish to do so.’

More Info

For more advice on travelling to Indonesia, please see the FCO site here and for more information on dealing with an overseas crisis, please see here.

How can you help?

Rescue and Humanitarian Relief efforts are ongoing- to lend your support to Sulawesi and the affected surrounding areas, donations to the ongoing appeal can be made here.

Source: here.