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Stansted airline phone numbers
Here is a list of airlines which fly from Stansted airport and their phone numbers.
It is always best to give them a call or check their website if you are not sure about anything - luggage restrictions, for example, can vary between airlines.
Airline |
Telephone Number |
Ryanair | 0871 246 0000 |
easyJet | 0871 244 2366 |
Kibris Turkish Airlines | 020 7930 4851 |
Aegean Airlines | 00 30 210 626 1000 |
Pegasus Airlines | 0845 084 8980 |
Blue Air | 0871 717 4131 |
Esprit Ski | 01252 618300 |
Snowjet | 020 8652 1222 |
Air Moldova | 07525 825856 |
Germanwings | 020 8321 7255 |
Pakistan International Airlines | 0800 587 1023 |
Air Berlin | 0870 738 8880 |
Atlantic Airways | 00 298 341 010 |
Aurigny | 0871 871 0717 |
Turkish Airlines | 020 7766 9300 |
AirAsia X | 0845 605 3333 |
Cyprus Airways | 020 8359 1333 |
Air Malta | 0906 103 0012 | | 020 8099 7254 |
Iceland Express | 0870 8500 737 |
El Al Israel Airlines | 020 7957 4100 |