Stansted showcases its green credentials
Combating the environmental impacts of the aviation industry topped the bill at the recent Airport Operators Association regional conference held at Stansted Airport.
Stansted Airport's head of environment, Dr Andy Jefferson, spoke to attendees about developments at the UK's third busiest airport.
"We take our environmental responsibility very seriously and Stansted is proud to be the largest UK airport to hold the coveted ISO14001 certification, a status we have held since 2005. Maintaining the certification is only possible by striving to continually improve all aspects of our environmental performance."
In 2008, Stansted Airport introduced a state-of-the-art biomass boiler as part of its attempts to reduce the tonnage of CO2 produced.
Dr Jefferson continued: "This has already helped us reduce our gas consumption at the airport by over 40%. We have one of the largest biomass boilers in commercial use for heating in the UK at present and cannot express enough how satisfied we are with its performance to date.
"But we will not become complacent and will continue our efforts to influence schemes aimed at reducing emission sources on the ground at Stansted, a current example of which is our participation in a working group to encourage single engine taxiing of aircraft.
"This summer we also published our first Airport Carbon Footprint which outlines how our footprint is comprised today, and help inform future decisions relating to emissions management at Stansted moving forward."
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September 28, 2009