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Southend Hotel Upgrades

Pre-book your Southend hotel upgrades

A Breakfast Upgrade

Perfect for celebrating a special occasion, or just making sure your meals and other essentials are arranged in advance, Southend airport hotel upgrades can save you money and make your stay even more enjoyable. Once you've selected the hotel you like, you'll be able to add a variety of upgrades, including dinner and breakfast, to your booking.

If you're after a hearty breakfast before you fly, the Holiday Inn Southend has plenty of options. You can enjoy English breakfast items, cereals, pastries and fruit juices at a reduced rate; yet another saving through

There are plenty of other Southend hotel upgrades available. Upgrade to an executive room at the Holiday Inn and get a larger room with extras such as mineral water, a mini-bar with chocolates and fluffy bathrobes.

Our full range of upgrades for the Skylark Hotel and the Holiday Inn Southend will be displayed after you've made your hotel selection.
