We have 3 car parks all located very close to the terminal. To compare prices and services visit our Prestwick airport parking page.
Enter your postcode for directions:
Longitude -4.61155Latitude 55.50850
Glasgow Prestwick Address
Glasgow Prestwick,
Prestwick International Airport,
- From the A78:
- Continue forward (signposted Barassie, Loans).
- At Meadowhead Roundabout take the first exit onto the A79.
- * At the next roundabout you come to, take the first exit left onto Tweed Road which leads directly to the airport terminal.
- From Glasgow:
- Join the M77 motorway southbound (signposted M77 Kilmarnock, Prestwick Airport).
- Continue forward onto the A77.
- At Dutch House Roundabout take the third exit.
- Follow directions as above from the *.
Directions to each Prestwick car park
Directions to Car Park 1 Premium at Prestwick airport
Use our directions page to help plan your journey to Car Park 1 at Prestwick airport. For a personalised route use our handy postcode finder. Use our map to see exactly where Car Park 1 is located.
Directions to Car Park 2 at Prestwick airport
Planning your journey to Car Park 2 is a breeze using our handy postcode finder (for a personalised route) and our easy-to-follow directions. Use our map to pinpoint where Car Park 2 is located in relation to the terminal.
Directions to Car Park 3 at Prestwick Airport
For a personalised route to Car Park 3 at Prestwick airport use our helpful postcode finder or if you'd prefer, our easy-to-follow directions. To get a feel for where Car Park 3 is located take a look at our map.
Directions to Prestwick Airport Parking | Each car park is highlighted on the map
If you want to park as close to the terminal as possible, then you can't get much closer than the Prestwick Long Stay car park, as it's within walking distance of the check-in. Book early with Holiday Extras for great-savings.
Prestwick Short Stay Parking Directions | A quick summary of how to find the car park
Accessible from the A78 and M77, use our Prestwick Short Stay Parking Directions to start your holiday calm and relaxed.
Directions to Watsons Ayr Park | 10 minutes from the terminal
Map and Directions how to find Prestwick Watsons Ayr Park from Glasgow city centre or if you're coming from the A78.