Book the Holiday Inn Express M27 J7

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Holiday Inn Express M27 J7

Enter your postcode for directions:

Longitude -1.30033
Latitude    50.90868

Holiday Inn Express Southampton M27 J7 Address

Holiday Inn Express Southampton M27 J7 ,
Botley Rd,
West End,
SO30 3XA


Here are your directions to the hotel:
- Take the M27 eastbound towards Portsmouth and leave at junction 7.
- Take the left filter lane onto Charles Watts Way, passing Sainsbury's on your left, and follow the brown signs to the Ageas Bowl.
- At the first roundabout turn left onto the B3342 Tollbar Way.
- Go straight on at the next two roundabouts. You will pass McDonalds on your right.
- At the fourth roundabout, turn left onto the B3035 Botley Road. Cross over the motorway and turn left at the traffic lights into the Ageas Bowl.
- The hotel is on the right at the junction of Botley Road and Marshall Drive.