As the credit crunch shows no sign of abating, those looking to get away on their next holiday will be doing all they can to save money on those additional extras necessary to ensure a relaxing and enjoyable break.
With Holiday Extras, it is possible to take advantage of the best value holiday add-ons which could otherwise begin to eat away at valuable reserves.
Travellers may, for example, look to reserve a great value hotel stay before their flight from Heathrow Airport at the Heathrow Hotel. This modern 4-star is located within easy reach of the airport and provides great value, luxury accommodation.
Booking a stay here will also enable you to beat the last minute rush associated with travelling to the airport, with an overnight stay close to your departure point meaning that there will be no difficulty in arriving at the terminal in time for your flight.
There will also be ample opportunity to take advantage of the many leisure facilities the hotel has to offer, including a gymnasium and hairdresser.
Room at the Heathrow Hotel with up to eight days holiday parking from £102*
*Please note: This price is correct for bookings searched in January 2019. Prices are subject to change. Book the Heathrow Hotel International Hotel in advance to get the best price and availability.