Reasons to book at East Midlands

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There are many advantages to booking one of the East Midlands airport hotels with us - it's simple, convenient and won't break the bank!

Book an East Midlands airport hotel and make your holiday easy going:

  • If you have an early morning flight, avoid travelling tired. Set off the day before and get a good nights sleep at an East Midlands airport hotel before you board the plane. It will make all the difference to your holiday!

  • Our East Midlands airport hotels are available with parking, so there's no need to worry about where to leave the car while you're away. Booking parking with an airport hotel is often cheaper than booking parking alone.

  • Many of our hotels offer transfers to the airport.

  • We offer great prices on East Midlands airport hotels, so you can travel feeling fresh without worrying about the cost.

  • You can sneak an extra days holiday, by starting your break a day early and relaxing at an airport hotel. You'll have chance to unwind and get yourself in the holiday mood!

Book an East Midlands airport hotel with us today - you won't regret it! Don't forget to check out our deals on East Midlands airport parking as well.