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Flight cancellations

What to do if your flight has been cancelled over half-term

There are some flight cancellations and delays at UK airports over half-term - please check your flight is running before setting off to the airport.

Last updated: June 1 09:00am

Flight cancellations over half-term

Easyjet, BA and TUI have all cancelled flights over the half-term holiday, and other flights are running with delays.

There are longer queues than usual at some airports, but passengers are reminded that arriving more than three hours before their flight is unlikely to save any time since departure gates don't normally open until three hours before boaraing.

We recommend checking your flight before setting off to the airport. See below for what to do if you've been affected by cancellations.

What to do if your trip has been affected

It's easiest, fastest and simplest to cancel or amend your booking online. You can cancel or amend a booking here, or contact our help team if you need more support.

For more information

The BBC is covering cancellations here.

The Independent has advice for passengers on their rights to refunds, compensation and even alternative flights at their carrier's expense.