Secure booking with Holiday Extras

All the information you provide for your booking is protected by a secure server. The secure server software SSL (Secure Socket Layers) encrypts all information you enter before it is sent to us, regardless of whether it is credit/debit card details, your email address or telephone number.

A secure page is encrypted

A secure page is encrypted (scrambled), to ensure that no-one can work out what is sent except for our webserver which unscrambles it all and turns it back into what you initially wrote. The information is only de-encrypted when it reaches our server.

Our secure pages

You can tell our site is secure as a small locked padlock will appear in your browser's address bar, also the website address starts with https:// after the padlock to show that you are definitely in a secure area.

We also have Firewall security software in place to protect our internal information from the Internet.

Your privacy

We take your privacy seriously - please feel free to fill in forms and enter your credit/debit card details on our secure pages.

We never ask your card PIN number to be disclosed during the booking process.

If you have any concerns please contact us