Coral Executive Lounge, International Ebene 4
Smarte Reiseplanung: Verbessere dein persönliches Reiseerlebnis und gönne dir einen Lounge-Aufenthalt. In der Coral Executive Lounge kannst du deine Wartezeit am Phuket International Airport perfekt überbrücken.
Gründe zu buchen
- You will find the lounge behind the security checkpoint. This one is suitable for international flights and is located near the gates 14-15.
- Snacks und Getränke sind in der Lounge inklusive.
- Ein schöner, ruhiger Ort, weit weg vom Lärm des Flughafens.
- Kinder Willkommen
- Gratis Getränke
- Telefon
- TV
Öffnet um: 06:00
Schließt um: 23:59
Kinder Willkommen
Children (accompanied by adults) are welcomed to stay in this lounge. Admission is free for children up to 1 years old.
There is no dress code in this lounge.
Choose between alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks as well as snacks and hot dishes.
Browse international newspapers and magazines or browse the free Wi-Fi. The monitors in the lounge provide information on the flights at all times.
Behindertengerechte Ausstattung
This lounge can be booked for guests with disabilities.
The lounge is located after the security check in the International Departure Area on Level 4, at the Gates 14 - 15.
Weitere Produkte: Coral Executive Lounge, International Terminal