Sala VIP Valldemosa, Modul B
Am Flughafen der beliebten Insel Mallorca geht es oft hektisch zu. Die Buchung eines Lounge-Zutritts ist ideal, um die Wartezeit entspannter zu gestalten. Die mallorquinischen Snacks versüßen dir den Aufenthalt und sind bereits im Preis inbegriffen.
Gründe zu buchen
- The lounge is located behind the security check and is suitable for flights inside the Schengen and outside this one as well.
- Kostenlose Getränke und erstklassige Snacks sind inklusive.
- Ein schöner, ruhiger Ort, weit weg vom Lärm des Flughafens.
- Kinder Willkommen
- Gratis Getränke
- Telefon
- TV
Öffnet um: 05:30
Schließt um: 23:00
Kinder Willkommen
Children (accompanied by adults) are welcomed to stay in this lounge. Admission is free for children up to 5 years old.
There is no dress code in this lounge.
The Mallorcan snacks will sweeten your stay and are already included in the price. The wide selection of drinks is also included. There is something for everyone here.
Sit back comfortably. In the lounge you have free Wifi and you can read the newspapers and magazines. Current flight information can be found on the monitors. For professional or private business, the working area of the lounge is ideal.
Behindertengerechte Ausstattung
This lounge can be booked for guests with disabilities.
After the security check, go through the duty free area. Follow the signs for SALA VIP Valldemossa and take the escalator one floor down. Turn right after the escalator. The lounge is on the right.
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